Monday, March 17, 2014

March 17, 2014 "4 New Investigators"

All is good in SA.  Thanks for all your love and support.  

This week was maybe one of the best weeks of mission yet!! We worked our butts off and got 4 new investigators and two of them are married which is awesome because that is what we have been praying for.  A family is what this ward needs and this could be the family for it.  We had our first lesson with them and they are very interested and had many questions that the gospel can answer.  I have realized how simple this gospel is and how satan makes it seem so complicated and sad.  However when we know our savior and try to draw closer to him in everything that we do, then we will experience that happiness and joy that we know that the gospel can bring.  I am also so grateful for the gospel and how it centers around families. I love teaching the plan of salvation so that I can bare testimony of families and how I know that my family will be together for eternity.  We had a lesson with Pauline and Sethu and this was an amazing lesson.  We felt prompted that we should go into it without a lesson and just talk about them getting baptized.  Sethu bore testimony that before she didn't know that she should get baptized but she realized that it is following the savior and she says she knows that she needs to do it.  Pauline knows that she does too. She said she might even need to leave her boyfriend who she has 3 kids with because he won't marry her.  She said God comes first in my life and I will do what ever it takes to follow my Savior.  After that we gave them blessings.  What was said in both of those blessing did not come from me or elder Van Heerden.  We both could tell that the spirit comforted them and strengthened them with the words that came from our mouths.  After, everyone was quiet and it was as if the spirit was just telling us to listen and feel the comfort and the love that the savior provides for us.  I am so grateful for the spirit in my life and how it strengthens me so much and makes it so I can follow in the Saviors footsteps.  Well that is all I have about this week.  I love you guys and I  can't wait to spend ETERNITY with you guys.  

I am learning that when I put God first in my life I am blessed. So, I realized that if I leave a transfer early and go home for school that is putting the worldly things ahead of God.  I realized that I have been called to serve for 24 months and that is what I think and believe I need to do.  I know that I will be blessed for it in the long run. What do you guys think?  Also, I got the package with the cream and the candy.  All the missionaries in the flat loved the candy! I have gotten so close to the zone leaders because we share a flat with them.  I want to be able to be like them and work work work like they do! Love you guys!! 

Also, try to give away a BoM this week. Whether it be at work or at the store! It will be cool to see if you can!!

Thank you for the response, I love you!  It's interesting I can feel that those who have passed on are in my life daily guiding me. Even Grammy. I have to go but I love you guys so much!!! Dad give mom a hug for me and don't let go till she gets bugged. hahahaha

Elder Olson

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