Tuesday, November 18, 2014

November 18, 2014 "Who I was to Who I am"

This week has been quite an interesting week.  I was barely in my area because I had to do 4 baptismal interviews in other areas.  It is cool to see the progress and how things are changing up here in the district with obedience and hard work.  However it is already transfer time and things are changing! There are going to be a lot of changes but I believe that I will be staying with Elder Hepworth.  We still have a lot to do and sometimes you can just kind of feel that we haven't completed what we are here to do. So I am looking forward to see what the Lord has in store for us.  Also something sad, one of our recent converts little brother just died. He was only two and there is no sign of death.  He was so cute and the spirit testified to me that he has a greater work on the other side which he needs to fullfill which was cool. 
My back is really getting better and I am also really enjoying working out everyday.  I am starting to feel as healthy as I did when I was home.
We have this one investigator and her name is Mamela and she is just amazing! She is only 13 but she is so committed to be better and to strive for baptism.  There is a lesson that we all can learn from her and it is how much she loves the Book of Mormon.  She will not put it down! She reads and reads and reads.  She takes it to school and reads it when she has a few minutes, she will not leave home without it.  I know that most of us back at home feel it is a burden to read but as we feel the spirit we will slowly change and our testimonies will grow.  Every one back at home can have it on their phones and so when we have free time read a couple verses.  If we are laying in bed about to go to sleep just read for 5 minutes.  I think since I grew up with the Book of Mormon I never really realized how unique it testifies of Jesus Christ and his atonement.  We can all be like Mamela or even be a little better than we are at reading the Book of Mormon.
On mission my testimony is continuing to grow and especially with the atonement.  It is real and it works.  If we haven't felt it cleanse us and purify us seek for that.  I know without the atonement I would feel as Alma the younger wracked with eternal torment.  Our sins and imperfections will be wiped away through the atonement if we are willing to change.  One thing that I am going through right now on mission is that I have changed my behavior 100% from who I was to who I am.  However, I realize that I need to change my nature not just my behavior.  When we say that "its just who I am, God will understand" that is as if saying the atonement isn't real.  I need to change my nature and make sure I can become who the Lord wants me to be.  He desires us to be as he is and so would he really make it impossible for us to become perfected? I do not think so.  I know that I have a lot to work on but I am looking forward to that because I know I have the atonement to lean on and to use in every situation in my life.  Yes mission has changed me and yes I thought it wouldn't but that is because I did not understand the atonement.
Well, sorry for my huge email. I just am grateful for the gospel and my family.  The other day I was talking about how I would have friends over and how mom would come down and cook for all of us and just hangout with us.... I had to leave the room cause I was about to cry. I love you all and keep being awesome!
much love, JONNY

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