Monday, August 18, 2014

August 18, 2014 "My missionary day"

Dear family, 
So today I thought that I would talk about all the aspects of mission and what my daily day is like.  So four times a week I wake up at 5:40 to workout.  The other days I wake up at 6:30.  Yes me waking up that early is hard to believe.  Then I get ready for my day.  Breakfast is always oatmeal and yougurt haha just like Jimmy.  Then I am sitting down and studying by 8.  In that study I always spend at least 30 minutes reading from the Book of Mormon and the Book of Mormon study manual.  The next 30 minutes I do whatever I feel like whether it be D&C, the bible, or preach my gospel.  9 o'clock it is companion study where we talk about what we have learned and then what we will do for the day in detail.  10 O'clock since elder Smith-Holley is being trained, I spend an hour on lessons or how to be a better missionary.  Finally at a 11 studies are over then we eat and hurry to our area.  Our area is 20 ks away which is annoying because after 11 we can't eat for the rest of the day unless we get fed and we don't get fed that much.  So in the area I try to have at least 5 or 6 planned lessons cause 1 or 2 will for sure not happen haha people always forget.  So we do that and when we aren't busy we are either tracting or visiting members and just stopping by to say hi.  We usually work until 8 to 9 cause we have to be back to the flat by 9:30.  When we get home we hurry and close the day by writing our stats and doing a brief overview for the next day.  I am always in bed before 10 hahaha.  I feel like dad and how when he gets home he just passes out! haha.  I just thought I would share that!

So things are going very well with investigators.  We will be having a baptism this saturday for Naivo.  He has asked me to baptize him so that will be a cool experience and he has also asked me to confirm him the next sunday.  We also have 3 other baptisms for the next month and I am almost for sure that at least 2 will happen.  We also had this guy walk into church and he said I just felt like I should come it has been too long since I have been close to God.  We will be teaching him on thursday.  One of the members said to me you must be doing something right if people are just showing up to church... I hope he is right I always think that I know I am not perfect and I know that I make many mistakes daily but if I just try the Lord will take care of the rest.

Things are going well with elder Smith-Holley.  He has come such a long way since the beginning.  He just doubts himself.  We had this guy that I have grown to be amazing friends with who has had a very hard life.  He was even excommunicated from the church.  Since then he has been in the bishopric and is now the stake young mens president. His trials have taken him to hell and back and because of the atonement he is where he is.  I think it is so funny when people say that Jesus Christ isn't real and that what we feel is all in our heads.  There is no way this man or even me could feel forgiven for the things we have done if Jesus Christ wasn't real.  But anyways, he gets to know you and then he lists all of your strengths and weaknesses from what he can see.  So I had him do me and it was amazing what he could pick up from just being around me and talking with me.  However for elder Smith-Holley it was even more amazing and it turned it to a spiritual experience and elder Smith-Holley even broke down and knows that he needs to overcome some things.  It was amazing.

This has definitely been the longest email that I have ever sent soooo sorry for that lol.  But South Africa is treating me well. No lion attacks yet and I still kunu on when I get the chance.  Have a lekker week and I uploaded some cheesy photos of sunsets.  I was even driving while taking them.  Sorry I didn't upload more this computer is complete rubbish.


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