Monday, February 24, 2014

February 24, 2014

Thanks so much for your love and support of Jon.  He continues to do well and is enjoying his mission.  A couple of things:
"How's it" is the phrase they use in SA.
"I love mission" is how they talk.  They don't say "my" in that case.
The word "shame" is commonly used for "feel bad for" or "it's too bad."
We told him to send some pictures and you can see that photography wasn't his best subject in school.  Suzi thinks the best part of his letter is that he is happy.  I think the best part of his letter is that he is learning (or being forced to learn) to budget money.  
There are four different emails here.  Three from this week. (He sends us different emails.)
I also re-copied last week's email because I understand it didn't make it to most of you.  I'm not sure what happened with the email.  Thanks again for all your support.  He is so happy.

Hey family, another week another dollar!! Things are hard here, but it is very rewarding, I can't even imagine going to a place less receptive the the gospel... only the africans will listen to the message we have to share. Which is great but sad that the afrikaans won't even talk to us.  We always tract in white neighborhoods because town is too dangerous and we have yet to make it inside a house.  However I know that we are planting seeds.  Maybe we aren't baptizing, but we are increasing the faith of others slowly.  Some nights I lay in bed and think shame if only people could see the happiness that the gospel could bring to them.  I sent you guys a letter about 6 days ago, hopefully it will get there soon.  I love mission but me and my companion had an argument.  He grew up in South Africa and sometimes we view things differently. I finally had enough and got mad.  It didn't change his view but he has stopped the comments.  That is the only time we have fought. Other than that we are best friends! He is so good to me and loves to help me out.  I miss you guys and I will send some pics now!! love ya

Mom I heard you cried in my bed.... haha I am not dead just close to it!! Just kidding, but I have felt what Divver has felt also.  We go to the hood here and my companion and I are the only white ones walking around.  We aren't allowed to tract here because it is so dangerous.  A missionary car was even burnt here... haha but we have to come here for appointments.  When I am walking I feel as if I have a body guard with me.  As if people are actually scared of us.  It is crazy to see.  But you guys need to come pick me up after two years.... there is soooo much I want to show you guys just in this area alone.  It would be really expensive to get here but everything else is cheap.  I understand if dad cant come but you could bring someone with you!!! haha  But I miss you and don't cry just smile.

This is a view from one of the members flats. Its gorgeous! I miss fast food and Taco Bell so much.... all they have here is KFC and Mcdonalds but we never go to it because we don't have the money for it.  It is so hard not to cave in and just use my home card.  I did once to buy a cheese burger and it wasn't even that good.  And no one has ketchup here... I am going to the store to see if they have it.  If you are sending the pills send me some more pictures and just pack it full of other stuff like flash drives and what not!!  I am all out of money for the month so I am eating sparingly.. but for some reason I am gaining weight... shame my butt is getting big! hahah

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