Monday, December 29, 2014

December 29, 2014

This Christmas has definitely been the best ever! It is really cool to see that it wasn't about anything except for the Savior and family! The coolest thing to see was how happy the kids were on christmas.  They were just happy to celebrate it.  It wasn't about anything worldly at all just about being with their family! It really made me feel selfish.  I now have a real testimony that nothing the world can really give us can bring real joy.  So when I get home I will make a one room cabin and have nothing.... lol just kidding but it does make me want to live more simply at home and just love the simple and little things in life that God created for us.  So this week as far as missionary work went really well we were still able to find people to teach even with the holidays.  It was fun!

We also were able to watch Meet the Mormons! Some how Pres Dunn was able to get it for us! That was also really cool.  It shows that we are just normal people that are extremely devoted to Jesus Christ and sharing the gospel.

I also gave a talk in sacrament about missionary work and how we need the members to have the work progress at a great rate!  It was nice but sad cause we didn't have too many members there for them to listen to it because of the holidays! But all is well here in south africa i'll keep working hard I promise.

All - I received this message from man in Jon's mission.  I'm sorry if it comes across vain, but it meant a lot to us so I decided to share it.  Thanks for your indulgence. Jon wouldn't be the young man he is if it weren't for all of you and the influence you have had on him.  He is very lucky - and so are we.

Brother Olson - my name is Kevin Farquharson and I am a member in the Centurion stake, South Africa. I wish to express my deepest gratitude to you and your wife for raising an amazing, selfless, humble son - who served here in our stake, in Hospital View ward. I serve in the stake young men and got to meet Elder Olson when he first visited our home, with one of the zone leaders. Since that day I have seen how he selflessly has given of his time and energies in helping people find Christ.

Sorry for the break in messages -just was having a challenge with our internet here. Brother and Sister Olson - My wife a I have grown very fond of your son. I in particular have found Elder Olson to be one of the most trustworthy missionaries I have ever come across. With serving in my calling I am able to visit with a lot of less active members in our stake. When your son was in Hospital View there are some particular men who have shared with me very sacred things about their struggles in remaining worthy / feeling worthy in the gospel. Some are with addictions, which they keep falling with and have stayed away from church feeling lost, alone nd without hope. One told your son and Elder Smith-Holley to never come back again. When your son was here I met with some of them and asked if they trusted me, to which they replied that they did. I asked if they would trust another person whom I trusted, (as we would say - with our lives) - that I believed was trustworthy enough for them to tell him what they are going through - because I trust him too, just as much. After some reservation - they agreed and sat down with me and that other person, then being filled with the Holy Ghost have changed their lives. One cut his dreadlocks off, shaved and is a changed person. That miracle trustworthy person, that angel, bro and Sis Olson is your son; Elder Olson. I cannot express how deep my gratitude is to the Lord and you for him. If ever I could visit your beautiful country I would do so, in person. There are many more miraculous experiences I have been privileged to have with Elder Olson - of which has strengthened my faith, increased my testimony and brought me closer to Christ. Thank you again for raising him in righteousness to be willing to do what he has done and is doing right now - for all of us. We love him to much - and in turn love you for preparing and sacrificing him - for us. Regards Kevin.

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