??? DL in Tzaneen

Shout out for Madi! I definitely thought I would be the first to be married.... no offense. The pictures are sweet and it seems to be a lot more romantic than when dad proposed to mom... hahahaha
So, life is amazing here up in Tzaneen. It truly is like Hawaii... We wake up every morning and go running and I think that if I keep going I'll run into the Gazebo (Jon's favorite pancake house in Hawaii). It is paradise here but either President Dunn really likes me cause he put me in paradise or the opposite way around because I am the farthest a missionary can be away from the office... But the area I am serving is called Lenyenye and it is a village / township. The work is amazing. My new comp is Elder Hepworth and he is from Idaho. He is an amazing missionary and we were actually in the same district for 6 weeks while I served in Tembisa. The district is awesome. The last AP just got released and is now working with a new missionary that is struggling with disobedience and so that really helps so that I don't have to worry about him. Then there is one companionship that is very obedient and another that is a pain in the butt.

It is interesting, I love the new responsibility but it is a lot of telling people things that they know that they should be doing. It is also hard because I am younger than most of them so they don't really like that. However back to the positive. I taught district meeting and I planned out this great lesson but then I taught like half of it and taught some things that I didn't even plan. It was cool cause the spirit really took over and brought in the spirit that was so strong.
This week we worked really hard and taught 26 lessons and we didn't even work monday or tuesday because of the road trip here. Right now we don't have a lot of investigators but I plan on changing that and making an impact here. We do a lot of less active work because there are about 400 less actives just in our area.... So everyone knows the missionaries and seems to love us. All the little kids love WWE which is that fake wrestling thing and they all yell John Senna when they see me... haha which is cool. I am loving it here so far. This has been the easiest transition to a companion so far. We just laugh a lot.... We also drive a truck because we do a lot of off roading and it is stick so I am perfecting that! But no one speaks Zulu up here... So now I have to learn Sepedi which is hard....
High of the week: Coming up to the garden of eden and teaching non stop. And not failing in my first DL meeting...
Low of the week: I just found out that Smith-Holley is really struggling which is making me so sad. He just is not finding the joy in missionary work. So pray for him.
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