Monday, July 13, 2015

July 13, 2015 "Purification Challenge"

Well this week was amazing as usual! I am still learning a lot and trying to figure everything out. I never thought that I would get this into the Lords work but it is seriously all I can think about now.  I have seen greater happiness from it.

I had a really amazing experience this week.  Before studies I saw a paper on a chair and before I could even look at the paper a thought came to my mind "Read that for your personal study."  I then kneeled down still not looking at it and opened my study with a prayer as I always do.  However, this time it felt a little different,  the spirit was more dense than usual.  I then grabbed the paper and the title of it was Purification Challenge. As I read I read about a missionary.  This missionary was doing everything right as far as the outside could see.  He had a testimony of the gospel, he worked hard, and he did what he was supposed to.  He then had a life changing experience when he was in a lesson with an investigator.  They were teaching the restoration.  At the conclusion of the lesson both him and his companion bore testimony of Joseph Smith and the reality of the restoration.  They then turned to a member that they brought with them.  The member bore a simple but powerful testimony.  All he said was "I know that Joseph Smith was and is a true prophet and that he restored The Church of Jesus Christ." As he closed the investigator started to weep from his testimony. 
After that lesson this missionary was wondering why this member's testimony was so different.  It was  driving him crazy to know what he needed to do to bring so much power into his words.  

The missionary then had an opportunity to talk with a leader of the church.  He knew that this leader would tell him what he needed to do to give him this power.  As he asked the leader then started to ask him questions like "Do you wake up at exactly 6:30 every morning? Do you always have virtuous thoughts? Are your motives pure? ect.."  Then he said that he wanted the missionary to write down everything that he struggles with and to do a 40 day fast.  He said to fast at the beginning and the end and in every personal prayer plead with Heavenly Father to help you with all that your struggling with.  So this missionary took on this challenge and he said that all of a sudden all of his weakness and temptations were magnified! However he did not give up and he continued for the 40 days.  When he finished he then received the power to overcome these trials.  He felt the spirit more abundantly and was brought to tears more.  The power in his words were in every lesson and with that he brought forth fruit! He was baptizing and bringing lost members back to church. 

This story hit me so I took on this challenge this week!  To say it has been easy is a lie... I have realized that my testimony is more the way that I live my life then the words that I speak. I know that every one of us can have power in our words if we align all of our actions and words with our Heavenly Fathers. However minute these actions may seem they will bring great power!

Sorry for the ramble this week.  I am sure only mom loves it haha. But we also were able to have a great week and really help young missionaries as we went out on splits with them. I would say that is my favorite part of my role as a missionary is to help others access their full potential! 

Well I am tired of writing and have loads to do!
Oh I turn 20 this week. It is not nice. 

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