Monday, July 27, 2015

July 27, 2015 "This could go really good or really bad"

Well, this week was a really great and productive week!! We had a lot to do and it seems like we were able to accomplish everything on our to do list.  I feel like mom when I make a to do list... But there is honestly no other way I can remember all that I have to do.  I have come to realize that mission may not be the hardest thing I ever do but it has the most valuable lessons in it.  I look at all that I have learned on mission and how little I learned in school in 16 years (Probably my fault... but still). Mission is seriously the best University that I could have enrolled into.  Well, just a thought for this week to ponder on. 

I had an experience that really stuck out to me this week.  I was on exchanges in a town called Selcourt and we went to this RM's house to have a lesson with him.  This guy has had a super hard life since he has been back from mission and finally he just broke and has been out of touch for a full month.  Our visit was the first contact that he had with members of the church since he has been gone.  We sat in our car and I said, "Elders, this could go really good or really bad... Lets Pray."  As we prayed we had an overwhelming feeling of peace that this would work out.  Well, we got into the lesson and we shared about how we need to head the call of the spirit always without hesitation.  As the other elders were talking my mind was seriously enlightened by the spirit.  I thought of the scripture where the spirit told Nephi to Kill Laban. We discussed how hard this would have been and how Nephi even questioned it several times then finally Nephi obeyed and killed Laban.  Then I brought up how in the scriptures it doesn't give us an account for how long Nephi questioned this prompting.  As far as we know he could have been standing there for 30 minutes or so pondering this prompting.  I referred it back to this RM and said you are in the same scenario.  You are waiting on the prompting that you have already received.  Then I asked "If Nephi would have denied or questioned the prompting one more time would the spirit have spoke to him again."  The RM responded with a no. I then responded "Soon the same will be for you. There is a fine line between questioning a prompting and then receiving a prompting and knowing it is from God and then not acting on it."  He took it very well and agreed.  But, I still felt prompted to end it on a positive note so I turned to 1 Samuel 16:7 which says "But the Lord said unto Samuel, Look not on his countenance, Or on the height of his stature; For man looketh on the outward apperance, but the Lord looketh on the heart." I reassured him that the Lord sees him for who he really is and that he knows where his heart is. It was an amazing lesson and the spirit was super strong.  It was funny to me that an old testament scripture came to my mind while teaching.  That really never happens for me but I know that it came from the spirit and that was comforting.  

This week went well and I love you all.  I miss fishing with you all.  Especially you Jimmy. If only I could learn to dry fly fish like you.... haha

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