Monday, June 23, 2014

June 23, 2014 "Killing it"

so this week has been amazing and I really don't know where to start... Well first off we taught 23 lessons this week.... and so that is a crazy achievement. and only 4 of those were member lessons.  Elder lucking and I are really killling it... haha but i need to stay humble so I don't have to get humbled! however I had a really cool experience this week.  We were talking to bishop and I asked him what needs to be done to strengthen the work in this area.  His response was that we need more priesthood holders.  This ward is really struggling with that there are twice as many women at church than men.  so that night  I prayed for a potential priesthood holder to come our way.  The next day we went to a members house to have a lesson with him and right before we were about to start his friend came and sat and listened as well... I was like what the my prayer was answered this quick! his friend isn't a member and now we are teaching him and I am almost positive this guy will be baptized.  It was crazy!!! but so I am also starting to learn some zulu which is really cool! elder lucking knows it enough to talk to little kids so that is how I want to be! and this week we played with a group of kids for awhile! we had to run from them so that they couldn't follow us! but I need to charge my camera so no photos today.  I will take lots this week!

Also sorry my emails are so short I am not to good at these things.  But if there are any specific questions then ask those. also it is very safe where I am. The only part that isn't is the taxis they are crazy but if I am not aggressive then it is safe.

Much love, Elder Olson

Suzi asked Jon what he wanted for his birthday.  Since it is difficult to send things, we are going to just put some money in his account and he can buy something there.  This is what Jon decided to do with the money.

Ok and I have an Idea for the money you are sending for my birthday... The guys here that are trying to go on mission can't afford it.  Of course the church helps with it but maybe that could be where it goes.  One of the guys in my ward that I have gotten really close to, his little brother spent his money that he needed to get a police clearence so now he has to sell his dreads to help pay for it.  Ya he cut of his dreads 2 weeks ago.... hahaha​

Much love, Elder Olson

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