Monday, November 23, 2015

November 23, 2015 "Africa Unite"

Well it finally rained here in the Gauteng so I bet the Boers (farmers) and their crops are feeling quite lekker!  The rain here and the hail storms that we have are one of a kind.  It dumps for like 15 minutes and then stops out of nowhere.  It's phenomenal and yet I am the biggest baby when it comes to lightning.... I like it when I am inside but if I am outside that is a different story!!

This week as far as missionary work goes was super refreshing...  I needed it.  We taught heaps and finished the week off with the baptisms of Mary and Olga! They are both amazing and the coolest part about these baptisms is that I taught them from the first lesson to the end.  That doesn't happen very often especially on my mission, I have either been a reaper or a sower.  

Anyways I don't have too much this week but I just want to express my love for africa and the people here.  I am just going to list everything that I love!

-How natural it is for people to believe in Christ.
-Their humility and receptiveness of the gospel
-How sincere and real their prayers are.  They understand they are talking to God.
-They may have no money but if you visit there will be food and cold drink
-They are always happy! 
-They don't need material goods... Look at all those fancy clothes these will keep us warm just like those… (Jack Johnson)
-Their smiles!
-The children calling me malungu (white man)
-showing magic tricks to the kids and hearing them say "ahhh IT'S MAGEEK"
-Their accent
-Kota, KFC, and all the food!
-The diverse cultures and languages 
-The taxi drivers... One of a kind
-The burning fields.  I guess cutting grass with a lawn mower is too main stream.
-Their nappy hair and how they don't wash it... Reminds me of my high schoo days KUNU ON
-They would rather have airtime than food.
-It truly takes a village to raise a child.
-Kids playing soccer in the streets or on a dirt field using a brick for their goal...
-Kids asking for 5 bob...(5 cents) to by sweets.
-Finally their pure love for christ

Hope you enjoyed! 

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