Monday, March 2, 2015

March 2, 2015 "Play with the lions...for my 3rd time"

this week was another hectic but amazing week! At the beginning of the week we went to Tzaneen (the Hawaii without an ocean) for Pday and for exchanges with some other missionaries. Since this is my third comp in this area I had to take him to play with the lions so for me this was the 3rd time... But really It is hard to get bored of playing with lions! Then I went into my old area Lenyenye for Monday night.  Even though I was there for only 6 weeks most of the people still recognized me which made me happy...  We had some great lessons and it was good to bond with the other missionaries there.  Then the next day I stayed in the town of Tzaneen and worked with some missionaries there.  At the beginning of the day we contacted at a college which was way fun and managed to pick up a few numbers and return appointments for them.  Then had some wonderful lessons!  
Later on in the week we had to travel down to Joburg for MLC (mission leadership counsel).  It was awesome to see what President Dunn presented to the mission and how he is continually seeking inspiration on our behalf!  We also were able to have dinner with them and had some nice mexican food! Sister Dunn always spoils us... Then President Dunn came down with his kermit the frog puppet and did a hilarious impression of him while singing I want to be a missionary!  Also I hope you enjoyed skyping with the Dunns. That is sweet.  Then we woke up in the morning and again Sister Dunn had sweet rolls for us so we wouldn't be hungry on our drive home.  
The work we did in our area was pretty mediocre but we had a cool experience with one of our investigators. his name is Itu  we have had him on date for awhile and what was holding him back was he wasn't reading the book of mormon.  He always said I am too busy and I don't understand it.  As we continued to meet with him we started to get worried but always prayed for him.  We arrived at his house one day and I saw that his book of mormon was not in its normal place under his tv but on his bed.  I then asked if he had been reading and he said yes and then continued to explain the first six chapters in complete detail... I was a amazed I couldn't even explain it that well.  He didn't miss one detail! He is going to be baptized on the 15th of March.  

So this week was good hope you guys had a great one! 

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